Discover The Program That Is Right For You
At Revitalize, we are regularly offering mastermind and mini-mastermind programs throughout the year. Browse the programs below and if you see one that interests you, schedule a free consultation!
Note: Revitalize members are eligible for special discounts on all courses, however, programs are not exclusive to Revitalize Women Physician Circle members.
Women Leadership Mastermind
This program, designed specifically for women physician leaders, provides resources, support, and accountability to break through barriers, increase your influence and achieve your goals.
Career Diversification Mastermind
This program is designed specifically for women physicians dedicated to making a change in their career that aligns with their values and passions.
Military Transitions Mastermind
This program, designed specifically for women physicians looking to leave the military in the next one to two years, provides accountability and expertise as you explore new possibilities and re-design your career to align with your vision and values.
Empowering Women Physicians: Join Our Vibrant Community for Growth, Connection, and Excellence
Revitalize Women Physician Circle Members receive significantly discounted prices on all Revitalize programs! Learn more about our Revitalize community membership today.
Resources For Women Physicians
Our specially curated blog offers tools, resources and advice for women physicians to create their most fulfilling careers.